

It is the department that restores the loss of matter in natural teeth, missing teeth and surrounding tissues with artificial materials, and improves and maintains oral functions, aesthetics and patient health. Prosthetic treatments are classified as removable and fixed prostheses.

Removable prostheses

Total prosthesis; It is a form of prosthesis made in the absence of all natural teeth, also known as denture.

Partial prosthesis;

They are removable prostheses made in cases where some main teeth are present and some are removed.


 These are prostheses that are applied on a few natural teeth or roots that are present in the mouth following some special preparations made by the dentist.

Fixed prostheses;

It is the process of replacing missing or excessive material loss by using materials similar to tooth texture and color. Before making porcelain crowns, the treatment option called post-core can be used to strengthen the existing tooth by supporting the root canal of the excessively damaged teeth. There are different material alternatives such as metal, metal supported porcelain, full porcelain (reinforced porcelain, zirconium substructure porcelain) when crowning the teeth.