In later years, the soft tissue of the face decreases and hangs down over the facial bones with the effect of gravity. It is possible to characterize this situation as the skin of the face starts to come abundantly . The purpose of face lift surgery is to eliminate this abundance and to create a more tense and alive skin. With the face lift surgery, sagging excesses in the face skin are removed, the thin muscle layer under the skin is reshaped and stretched.
How to tell the old face look?
The changes caused by aging in the facial region are as follows:
- Clarification of the forehead lines
- Low eyebrows
- Eyelid sagging
- Eyelid lines on eye edges
- Pouches and streaks in detention
- Reduced fullness of sagged cheeks and cheek area
- Skin folds and deepening in the mouth-nose fold region
- Distortion-disappearance of the jaw contour lines
- Sagging and lubrication in the neck-tick area
- Neck curtains-deep wrinkles
- Increased sunspots on the facial skin
How is face lift surgery performed?
Face lifting operations are divided into the upper face section including the forehead and eyebrows, the mid face section including the eye level and the circumference, and the lower face section including the mouth, chin and neck region, depending on the area of the present problem. The purpose of facial rejuvenation surgery; hanging and loosened skin tissues in different parts of the face to hang their original places and stretch the skin by throwing more of the sagging skin.
In the face lift surgery, the scars are hidden in the scalp in the temple area, in the natural curves in the front and behind the ears . Surgical scars are concealed, so it is not very specific. In addition to face lift operations, performing eyelid surgery, peeling, filling - botox applications also increases the success.
How long is the operation?
The operation takes 2-5 hours under general anesthesia. However, with isolated face surgery, lower and upper eyelid aesthetics, forehead stretching, such as eyebrow lifting attempts are made, this period is extended.
What are the points to consider in the postoperative period?
After surgery, the patient stays in the hospital for one night and is discharged. Although the pain is not a very expected condition, pain can be seen to pass with painkillers. In some cases, drains are placed to be removed after 1-2 days. Facial swelling and bruises are possible. However, it disappears almost completely within 1-2 weeks. After this period , the patient returns to his daily life. The duration of the appropriate face lift operations performed on suitable patients continues for 8-10 years. However, it should be kept in mind that aging continues in the postoperative period.