Arm and Leg Stretching

Arm and Leg Stretching

In cases such as loosening and decrease of subcutaneous supportive tissue in the arms and legs, excessive and inappropriate accumulation of fat tissue may cause the need for this operation in the arms and legs. With arm and leg stretching, you can have more tense, youthful looking arms and legs.

How is the surgery performed?

Appropriate incisions are made from appropriate areas to remove excess and flaccid skin and subcutaneous excess . As a result of the surgery, there may be marks in the body that are not visible. These tracks are usually located near the armpit, which is the least visible area for the arms when viewed from the outside, and on the inside of the arm. For the leg stretching, the groin area is concealed in the inside of the leg and in the fold area under the hip . Liposuction surgery is often performed in addition to arm lifting. In this way, subcutaneous adipose tissue can be reduced more and more sagging skin can be removed. 

Duration of surgery

Under general anesthesia, arm stretching takes 2-3 hours, and leg stretching takes 2.5-4 hours.

What are the postoperative considerations?

Pain is seen for a few days after surgery. Pain relief with pain relievers. Day by day, the pain is completely reduced. In the first days, there is also a feeling of tension in the arms and legs and swelling. 
In this process, it is recommended to keep hands and feet high in order to reduce swelling. 
The patient is generally discharged after 1-2 days of hospitalization. Swelling and bruises may also occur after a few weeks after surgery. Return to work within 7 to 10 days. However, appropriate corset use is recommended for one month . In the same process, you should stay away from heavy exercise and not stretch your arms and legs excessively .All swellings go away and your arms and legs take the desired final shape after 6 months to 1 year.